Hate is a strong word, but I really really really don't like you. (Plain White Ts)
When I was young, I'd allow things to get to me really easily, so in turn, I'd be an easy target for a certain group's malicious - and often completely over-exaggerated - 'attacks'. As I've matured, I've realized - who cares? Honestly, who gives a shit about what other people say or do, whether it concerns you or not, as long as you're happy with who you are?
Is it possible to ignore them? Can you live your life without ever having to deal with them if you don't want to? Yes. So no fucks should be given. The fucks are not in attendance. Ignore the fucks.
However, just because I believe that people shouldn't care about what others say about them, doesn't mean that it's impossible to be unaffected. If someone threw insults at you non-stop, but you never saw that person again after a while, would their words still hurt? Of course they would. You never have to deal with them ever again, they're basically dead to you, but their hate still left a stain that's hard to wash out.
Someone can completely chew you up and spit you out and you can say nothing at all because hey, who cares what some douchebag says? But, unless you're devoid of feelings completely, you're still going to feel something.
Let me say a little something: there will always be someone who'll dislike you.
It's a pretty obvious statement but it's one that's easy to forget, especially if you're not used to being disliked or bullied.
You will never be able to satisfy everyone that you encounter, so
instead of trying to change yourself to be more 'likeable' or getting really upset about it, try not to. Even if you do manage to 'win the approval' of some dickheads you don't even want to be friends with, you've not achieved anything because that nice new personality you've got, guess what, there's someone out there who would have preferred the old you anyway, so instead focus on making yourself happy because it's impossible to please everyone.
I think I'm a pretty likeable person on the whole; some of the things that pass through my head and end up falling out of my mouth are not all 'good' or socially acceptable, but I'm pretty certain that they're justified. If I say something that can potentially offend people, I'm always very careful, I never say things just to be an asshole.
Bit more personal
The funny thing is - the outspoken opinion that people seem to dislike me for [x], is something which a lot of other people actually agreed with or at the very least understood.
The only sensible conclusion that I can come up with is that it's the person and not what the person actually said that's the problem. For example, if I wrote something that got pretty good reviews and sent it to people who disliked me...they'd be more inclined to think it was a poorly written piece of shit; if I sent it to someone who didn't even know who I was, they'd be more inclined to like it.
If someone dislikes you...fine, but there are also people that love you, too.
If someone actually takes time out of their day to make you feel rubbish, let all that negativity linger around them, not you, because they're the ones being little shits.
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