I used to think anything passed off as a joke was 'allowed' to be funny. It’s just a joke, right? It's not serious so it’d be silly to take it seriously.
Then I realised that no, not all jokes are funny just because you're expected to laugh.
Then I realised that no, not all jokes are funny just because you're expected to laugh.
Let me explain to you why rape, in the context of something
as seemingly harmless as a joke, actually causes more harm than good.
A comedian, Chris Dangerfield, wondered why it was okay to
joke about murder but as soon as rape is mentioned, it’s dangerous territory.
He states, “[H]ang on, it's alright to take a flame thrower to a bunch of
people or drop a nuclear bomb on Korea? We can laugh at mass, holocaustic
"But as soon as you mention rape, even in the context
of it being simulated on a computer game, people are stuck.” [x]
Whilst jokes about murder (or anything negative that pokes
fun at the victim/puts the act in a positive light) can be extremely dodgy, I
feel a lot more uncomfortable about rape jokes (when I say 'rape jokes', I always mean jokes that make fun of the victim or the act in a positive way, jokes that show up rapists, that's different).
Rape culture.
I’ve had people try to JUSTIFY taking advantage of a girl
who’s presented in a certain way, whether she’s in revealing clothing or passed out
from drinking too much, both because it’s apparently her own fault and she
should know better. What.
There’s no such thing as ‘murder culture’ (or is there?
but ‘rape culture’ is a very real thing.
Rape Culture is an
environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against
women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Rape
culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the
objectification of women’s bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence,
thereby creating a society that disregards women’s rights and safety. [x]
Please read the many examples of what contributes to rape
culture in the [x] above because some are extremely prevalent in your society;
probably in your brain, too.
People don’t make light of murder in a serious context, but
the same can’t be said for rape. People okaying non-consensual behaviour is everywhere: jokes, porn, music, music
videos, adverts, and more.
These very public sources often tell women and girls that their body
is a free buffet for any guy who wants a bite, whilst simultaneously telling
guys that asserting dominance over the media-portrayed submissive woman is what
being a real man is all about. This sexist, rape-friendly message is repeated
over and over so many times that people will not question it. Not every guy or girl will feel this way, but they are being encouraged to, so it often doesn't get filtered out.
Ever heard pop songs subtly encouraging murder and telling
people that it’s alright if they get murdered because they don’t own their
life? I haven’t.
Why are non-consensual interactions even being fetishized....? Is it not sexy enough to have sex
with someone who also really wants
to do it with you?? Why must the person [in these songs and what have you] be presented as unwilling or uncooperative?
Now...how many people think that taking someone’s life isn’t a big deal? Sociopaths? Apathetic, careless threats to society, right?How many people think that sexually engaging with someone even if they don’t want to isn’t a big deal? A lot of mentally sound people, and that’s a lot scarier – all of those potential, casual sex offenders.
Because of these messages, some men do not take ‘no’
for an answer, they either need to be told several times or might (MIGHT) stop
when the girl says that she’s taken by someone else!! It's happened to me several times and it's happened to other women, too.
Like Michael J. Dolan, a comedian who used to tell rape
jokes, said: ‘I don't think any one joke is a problem [...] the problem is it's
contributing to a culture of misogyny.’ [x] That’s the main issue here, what it contributes to society when it’s
being told, not just how bad the actual topic is.
Let me present this website with the title ‘Only Psychos
Think Rape is OK...Right?’
Every point is extremely shocking, but here are a few
(the first two are from boys AND girls
from the ages of 11-14 years old):
‘31% of the boys and 32% of the girls said it was acceptable
for a man to rape a woman with past sexual experience’
‘87% of boys and 79% of girls said sexual assault was
acceptable if the man and the woman were married’
‘One in 12 admitted to committing acts that met the legal
definitions of rape, and 84% of men who committed rape did not label it as
‘43% of college-aged men admitted to using coercive behavior
to have sex, including ignoring a woman's protest, using physical aggression,
and forcing intercourse’
And another site which provides examples of people willing
to admit to rape.
‘As long as the R word doesn’t get attached, rapists do
Are you paying
attention to this?
This is really
fucking scary.
It should not and does not have
to be like this.
The fact that people, especially young people, are soaking
up rape culture so rapidly should be horrifying; you learn the basics of life
when you’re a kid, and ‘rape is justifiable in certain situations (like if she's not wearing much)’ or ‘non-consensual
sex can be funny because someone made a joke about it’ should not be something that
The bottom line is: if you tell a ‘joke’ that makes light of
serious issues that people are already taking extremely lightly (rape is just the beginning), it adds way more fuel to the fire. Showing people (by means of a joke) that
they should continue to make light of
serious issues like rape is moronic and extremely inconsiderate.
What if a joke you told made someone think that what
happened to them was okay, or makes them scared to speak up to their parents,
to their peers, to the police because everyone around them is laughing at their
situation? More rapists go free, often without realising that they’ve committed
You can easily be funny without being an asshole.
Edit 31/07/14:
I do not think that eradicating rape jokes is the only solution to stop rape, nor do I think they're the main perpetrators of rape, not at all....my issue is that jokes like these normalise rape and only contribute to the rape culture that is always very prevalent (and massively varied).
Edit 31/07/14:
I do not think that eradicating rape jokes is the only solution to stop rape, nor do I think they're the main perpetrators of rape, not at all....my issue is that jokes like these normalise rape and only contribute to the rape culture that is always very prevalent (and massively varied).