A movement started to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancer.
I'm not here to talk about cancer or the reason why Movember was invented, I'm here to talk about what some people have been saying about women regarding Movember.
A regular theme I've seen is that women taking part in Movember are either not entitled because it's something regarding men only (not shaving their facial hair), or that if they DO, they have to be prepared to get no sex [because women not shaving is ew gross].
I want to address the bit about entitlement first. Not only does the Noshember website encourage men AND women alike to put down the razor for a month, but if women want to show their support for cancer, why shouldn't they be able to (by also not shaving) as well....?
Someone on tumblr sums up what I'm arguing against nicely:
'Why would they do that? It’s all about them, all the time. They have pink everywhere for breast cancer awareness, which is primarily a female problem. But this one month of awareness for a male problem, which most probably don’t even know about, is driving them insane. Pathetic.'
That's almost like arguing with straight people for wearing a t-shirt that promotes LGBTQA* rights.
I could go down the 'it's also possible for trans*women to get prostate or testicular cancer' route because it's a valid point, but I would end up compiling a completely separate rant for that one because the erasure of trans*people from the media is incredibly vast and a lot of people don't (or refuse to) understand or are transphobic.
Also...women have facial hair.
There are places encouraging women not to shave their legs, but women do also grow facial hair, it's not a big secret, it's biology, and I think it's sad that women should have to feel bad or ashamed about not shaving ANY PART of themselves because the media promotes us as completely hairless, even in razor adverts. Not once have I seen a woman shaving actual hair from their body in a razor advert, yet a quick google for Gillette showed a man shaving hair from his body because, guess what, no-one shaves hairless parts of their body. But, again, that's another rant for another time.
The next point is the oh so lovely argument that if a woman doesn't shave, they're unattractive/will get 'no dick'. This one barely even needs a rant because it's pathetic.
I've heard people say many times that a woman not shaving is unnatural and that is the most backward piece of shit because 'natural' means 'naturally occurring', and that is what hair on anyone (yes even women) is!
If women were not 'supposed' to have body hair...then they wouldn't be born with the ability to grow body hair!
Plus, why do these people assume that a woman will care whether or not they get sex? That's not a terrifying threat. If someone won't have sex with a woman just because of body hair then tell them to take a hike because a lot of decent people will not give a fuck.
What about people who don't like facial hair on men? I've seen nothing about that potential 'problem'.
Most importantly, this was all started to raise cancer awareness, fuck whether taking part in Movember will get someone laid or not, it is nothing to do with that.
At the end of the day, women are not trying to 'take over' the cause, they just want to participate and show support, maybe even donate also.
What is the harm in showing support for something that might not affect the person directly?
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